New Roommate

I’m still moving slowly, but at least I’m moving forward.  I was pretty well stopped in my tracks for quite a while.  I never would have imagined how physically and mentally exhausting experiencing the loss of the love of your life could be.

In the spirit of moving forward, I’ve acquired a new roommate.  I thought you might like to see Nikki.  I’m taking photos with my iPhone lately, instead of a “real” camera, and I can’t seem to get them to look very good.  I’m working on it and hope to have better photos in the future.

Thanks for stopping by, Luann


One thought on “New Roommate

  1. What a cutie! And a great move for you to bring this beautiful cat into your life so you can continue to give and love and care for another on a daily basis. Can’t wait to see you in a couple weeks!

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