I know, I know…not keeping up.

Yes, I know that I’m not “keeping up” with my blogging.  I’m not keeping up with my jewelry either.  As some of you may know, my husband is fighting a stage IV brain cancer, glioblastoma multiform.    I had hoped that my blogging would be a way to relate to others about my jewelry, and that it would inspire me to forge ahead (pardon the pun) with my creations.

In actual fact, it does and it doesn’t.  I have so many ideas and several projects in various stages of progress.  Then, I get overwhelmed with what’s going on in my life and can’t seem to concentrate.  It takes a lot to care for someone who is so ill.  But I have the most wonderful husband who is doing everything he can to improve his odds and improve his life.

I wasn’t going to write about him in my blog, but it’s so much of what and who am that it turns out I am compelled to share.  I have no idea if anyone is interested in this, but if you are, I hope you’ll comment.  Here’s a photo of Jerry in better days:

Thanks for stopping by.

13 thoughts on “I know, I know…not keeping up.

  1. This year I was the Cross Cancer Institute’s Caregiver of the Year. Four years ago my friend and neighbour, a single mom like me, was diagnosed with stage 3b cervical cancer at only 30 yrs old. We spent the summer going to radiation and chemo treatments…it was the worse case they had ever seen. She is this year’s Official Survivor…miracles do happen. 🙂

    • Julia: Thank you so much for writing. We are both hopeful. It’s hard, though, when you don’t see improvement. It’s so hard on Jerry. His surgery was early February, then chemo and radiation. Believe me, I’ll be incredibly excite to report progress.

      Again, thank for writing. It means a lot to me!

  2. it must be difficult for you to blog about this but miracles do happen and keep holding on to that faith ok? stay strong… i will keep you both in my prayers. *BIG HUGS*

    • Thanks so much for the note. It is difficult to blog about this, but it’s also difficult not to. We’re hanging in there. We’re pretty positive people in general. Jerry’s really frustrated, but still hopeful. Thank you for your prayers.

      • i cannot say i fully understand but i just want to let you know you have us here anytime u need to blog or rant it out. It isn’t easy being positive especially when you are sick and tired but you both are admirable. take care luannseclectics.

  3. Luann, you may email me anytime you need to share. I am so touched by you & your love for Jerry, (and Choo Choo).
    Love you, Sharron

    • Thanks for the note, Sharron. I’ve been thinking about writing you. And I will. ChooChoo sends her love. Sooooo adorable. Her cage is now right behind me at my desk, where I spend a lot of my time these days when Jerry’s sleeping. She loves that, and flutters over to sit on my shoulder and chatter with me. I’ll always be grateful to you for her. Love, L

  4. Luann:
    I almost never get on Facebook anymore (its been months since I did) but I am so glad I did today or I would have gone on never knowing of your situation. I am so sorry for what has happened to you and Jerry but for what it’s worth I can relate because Bea and I are trying to deal with something similar here in Virginia. I wasn’t going to trouble you with it but maybe there’s a reason I saw your Facebook entry. Perhaps Jerry and I need to support each other as do perhaps Bea and you need to support each other because all of us are caught up in something we never saw coming. I am currently battling an autoimmune disease that is slowly incapacitating me to the point where I am losing control of my legs and hands. Depending on which of my four neurologists you talk with I have either ALS or a chronic form of Guillian Barre disease called CIDP. Right now the CIDP opinion is in the lead so I am proceeding with an infusion therapy called IVIg that is supposed to help with it. So far nothing has helped much so I’m about to try something else. To make matters worse (like I needed something else) I have also been diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer which I am undergoing hormone therapy and radiation treatment for. It’s considered curable so I’m much more optimistic about it than I am the CIDP. But optimism is the key to beating any of these diseases and I can’t encourage Jerry enough to do his very best to have a positive attitude about it. It’s something I do on a one-day-at-a-time basis so I do have my good days and my bad days. Bea has been fantastic in dealing with my illness and it has brought us even closer together. Fortunately she has recently retired from her job and can now devote all her attention to me (lucky girl). Don’t want to drag this out anymore than I have but just wanted you to know that both Bea and I know what you and Jerry are going through and we will keep you in our thoughts (and prayers) from now on. You have always been a strong person (from what I can remember) and I know Jerry is so very lucky to have you (as you are to have him). Please keep me up to date and I’ll do the same.

    Your friend always, Jerry

    • Jerry:

      I was so sorry to read what you have been going through. Sounds really tough for you and Bea. My thoughts and prayers are with you both as well.

      (My) Jerry has been incredibly optimistic. As have I. However, in the last two months, he’s gone steadily downhill. We all were so sure at the beginning he’d be one of the rare ones to have a little longer. But though I haven’t given up on a miracle happening, I am considering hospice. It’s glioblastoma multiforme, Stage IV. The worst of the brain cancers. Not curable. It always comes back. They never get it all in surgery, though they think they got 98% of it. Monday, he’ll have an MRI, then see the doctor, so we’ll know more then. In the meantime, we’re just trying to make every day as good as we can.

      He’s reached the point where he can hardly talk, barely shuffle from place to place with a walker, and cannot get up out of a chair. He’s fallen several times, though not since I ran out and found a walker with a seat and brakes. He wasn’t happy about it, but he uses it and says it does help.

      His mind is terribly affected. He cannot think very well, is confused, disoriented and dizzy. And no strength at all. It’s so hard to watch in someone who was so fit and healthy and bright and funny. But we’re doing the best that we can. He’s not a complainer and tries to make the best of it. He’s my hero.

      But I feel like we’re at a point where some help is needed. It’s a little difficult for us as we neglected to have children and our only family is my brother in the Pacific Northwest. Jerry’s best friend from Texas is driving out today and we’ll talk about it and see if we can figure out what to do.

      Again, Jerry, I am so sorry to hear of your battles. I would not have doubted that Bea would be an excellent care giver. You chose well and wisely. And I sure do know what she’s going through. If she’d like to email or call, I would be pleased to hear from her. Any way that I might be able to help or give her comfort, I’m here.

      My love and prayers to you both.


      • Luann:

        Thank you so much for the quick response. I really didn’t want to burden you with my tale of woe since you have so much on your own plate but wanted you to know that I (and Bea) could truly empathize with you and Jerry. As for hospice my brother died of brain cancer a couple years ago and hospice was absolutely fantastic. It does usually signify that the end is in sight but it makes those last weeks (or months) so much better for both the patient and the caregivers. I highly recommend it. It sounds like you both are doing everything right as far as being optimistic, etc. You are so lucky to have each other even for whatever time is left. And I have always believed in miracles; there is just too much evidence not to believe in them. As for religious beliefs, I got out of that rut decades ago but have always remained a spiritual person pursuing my own definition of God and how I choose to interact with Him (or Her). I believe we can (and should) ask for whatever it is we want for there is always some chance we may get what we are asking for. Besides it’s an excellent example of positive thinking which is always good.

        Stay strong Luann and remember you will always have friends in Virginia,

        Jerry (and Bea)

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